Turning 30
This is me. I'm turning 30 this week! 30! I felt like I would forever be in my 20's but here I am, turning 30. As I sit and reflect I realize how weird 30 is.
As your'e growing up, you and your friends are all on the same path. You're in school, you are planning for a future, and you feel part of a group. As time goes on, that group begins to separate and everyone takes their own path.
At 30 I realize how different we all are. I was scrolling through my Instagram and was looking at all my highschool friends, some already 30 and some almost there, and saw such a wide array of people. All these people that I went to school with, had plans with, and talked about the future with are all living such distinct lives.
I have friends that have husbands and babies (like me), I have friends running companies, I have friends taking week long hiking trips without a care in the world, friends living in other countries, and friends living out the dreams that they always spoke about growing up.
At 30, we are all so different. It's strange. I can't imagine spending a month backpacking through Europe and I'm sure those friends can't imagine spending all day surrounded by 3 babies! In a weird way ,social media gives us a glimpse into others lives and we can kind of live vicariously through them, cheer them on, and lean on the friends that understand us.
You know what the good thing about 30 is? There is so much left. Who knows? Maybe one day I'll be running a company while my friends are cleaning dirty diapers. Life takes so many twists and turns and these past 30 years have been so full of every kind of emotion.
I enter 30 feeling strong. I have more blessings than I can count. I have dreams for my future and big plans for my life. 30. It's here and I'm ready for the next 30!
To all my fellow friends, may this next decade be full of adventure and bring you all that you desire! Cheers to wherever your life is. Whether you be "30 and flirty", "Dirty 30","Thriving 30" or whatever other crazy thing we come up with, I hope you are happy. 30, here we come!