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Life Reminds Us

We are humans. We worry. We wonder. BUT life has a way of reminding us about the things we have forgotten. 

Our babies cry.  We are exhausted and wonder when the day will end. When will we be able to close our eyes for just 5 minutes? Then, we feel a hug. Little hands around our legs and life reminds us, stop and enjoy these moments and hug our babies a little harder. These moments won't last forever.

Our house is a mess.  The dishes pile up. The laundry is never ending. The floor has footprints from the lasts guests that walked in. You go out to buy some detergent and see someone with a sign "Hungry. Anything helps" and life reminds us how lucky we are. We have a roof over our heads, clothes to wear, and food to eat. Sometimes you have to be thankful for the mess. 

Our significant other is driving us nuts. They left a mess in the bedroom again. They snored last night and we are mad that only one of us got a good nights rest. Then they have to leave for work and life reminds us how much we love them and how we rather hear them snore than not hear them at all. 

Our morning started off badly. We got unexpected bills in the mail. Our bank account doesn't look as happy as we would like. Then the news of a plane crash. 9 lives gone and life reminds us how money means nothing. We are forced to stop and analyze how fragile life is. We see how small our problems are in the grand scheme of things and life is cherished just a little more.  

Sometimes we hit a trash can and shatter or side mirror and life reminds us to SLOW THE HELL DOWN!

Every day there is so much negativity in the world. Every day something goes wrong but life has a way of reminding us where the beauty is. Life has a way of reminding us that we are exactly where we are supposed to be. 

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