These months have been full of worries. I feel like I am om a rollercoaster. I am up on the highest of highs and I am quickly pulled down. The constant stress of daily life gets to me and begins to show itself in my mood and my body. I am bothered easily and my knees break out in psoriasis. It is exhausting and I wish I had a crystal ball to tell me when everything would get better.
Last night I found myself laying in bed and staring at my kids (as I often do) and I wondered what there life would be like. I prayed and I apologized for complaining about the trials I was currently going through. I apologized because I know that this is only temporary and that God has granted me many more blessings than he has tribulations.
My biggest blessings were right there with their little heads nuzzled in my arms. They were sleeping peacefully on a nice comfy bed and a roof over them. They would get a warm breakfast in the morning and enjoy the day ahead. This is what I want. I want them never to worry and, inevitably when they do, I want them to feel strong enough to handle what is coming their way. I want their dreams to always outweigh their fears. I want them to know that, no matter what, everything will be ok. It always is.
So I prayed. I prayed and I said " God give me all the worries. Throw whatever I need to go through my way. Let me worry so that they never have to.. Give it all to me because with them, as my biggest gifts, there is nothing I can't get through."